2014 Artists in Residence – CABORCA

The Loisaida Center is proud to announce:

2014 Theater Co. Residency Recipients:


Led by playwright/director Javier González, CABORCA is an experimental theatre company making plays that move seamlessly between the irreverent and poetic, the personal and political, and the highly entertaining and intellectually challenging – inspired by Brecht’s view that to be challenged is also to be entertained. Based in New York City and working in both English and Spanish, our work includes new plays, classical adaptations and devised creations.

 CABORCA started working together in 2002 at the University of Puerto Rico, continued collecting at Columbia’s MFA Theatre Program, and officially became a company in 2009.

 CABORCA steals its name from the novel The Savage Detectives, by Roberto Bolaño, in which a magazine of the same name is the official organ of visceral realism.

Read more about CABORCA’S residency program.

2014 Artists in Residence – Papel ★ Machete

The Loisaida Center is proud to announce

The 2014 Loisaida Festival Artists in Residence:

Papel Machete

Proposed project for the residency:

Time frame of Residency @ Loisaida: May 19th 2014 to May 25th 2014.

Profile: Papel Machete comenzó el 1ero de mayo de 2006 mediante una intervención con máscaras en las protestas que se dieron en la Milla de Oro en Hato Rey, en el contexto de un cierre gubernamental que lanzó a la calle a miles de trabajadores. Ante este cuadro y motivados por la necesidad de acompañar y ser un componente de acción en las luchas sociales, este colectivo de teatro callejero compuesto por trabajadoras, artistas, músicos y estudiantes, se ha dado a la tarea de crear un sinnúmero de personajes empleando diversos estilos de títeres, máscaras, objetos y música para denunciar la injusticia social y brindar apoyo a las luchas de la clase trabajadora, estudiantiles y comunitarias.

Website: Click here.

Project Completed: As part of their residency at the Loisaida Center for the 2014 Loisaida Festival,the collective of PapelMachete in collaboration with the Lower East Side residents, created a “Cantastoria”  that was presented on Sunday, May 25th 2014 at La Plaza Cultural.

See Complete Presentation below and Please Share the Video!