The Loisaida Center is proud to announce
2016 Summer Loisaida Artists in Residence:
The School of Poetic Arts
#LaSopaNYC: Summer 2016 (Session II)
Session II: 3 Saturdays, TBA from 11:00am to 1:00pm.
Our Session II 2016 edition consists of two writing workshops that will explore and give voice to personal and societal issues from the perspectives of women and men.
Register here.
Mens group: Exploding Poems, Masculinity, and Privilege
Facilated by: Rich Villar
Workshop description:
We will examine various paradigms of masculinity and how it plays out
in our poetic practices. Among the subjects discussed: fatherhood and
family relations; toxicity, patriarchy, and machismo; and the politics
of the body in poetic discourse. In solidarity with other male
writers, our intention is to create a positive space to examine and
challenge our privilege, to speak frankly about our imagined roles in
society, and to cultivate empathy as a writing practice.
Womens Group: The “She” in the Poem
Faciliated by: Jani Rose
Workshop description:
We birth these works for as many reasons and in as many ways, as there are facets
to our person. Each poem as unique as the variables that inspire it. Among our
sisters and friends, we discuss this “I am”, that influences our journey. The “She”
that thinks and speaks. How well do we know her? How do we receive her? Do we
respect this voice? Join us at La Sopa to explore the feminine voice, to read and write
with sisters who know that your voice is a necessary companion to her own.
write with sisters who know that your voice is a necessary companion to her own.
Any questions or concerns to or

La Sopa is facilitated by established members of the arts community who are seasoned teaching artists. The founders, as poets began the series with poetry workshops, and have plans to expand the series to include many more artistic disciplines. With their finger on the pulse of the arts movement throughout the tri-state area, they have access to professors and teaching artists who are knowledgeable in many different arenas. Their pedagogy is that of a Community S.T.E.A.M. program with a special focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, as it pertains to adult innovators seeking mastery of arts or entrepreneurship.
Full rollout includes coursework in:
S cience: The use of social sciences in identity and influence, reader/ audience perception, interaction, understanding of community needs, and the development of approaches by which these needs might be fulfilled. * (which will include traditional and social media marketing)
T echnology: The use of cutting edge phone/computer apps and tools for writers and artists along with best practices in use of Social Media engagement.
E ngineering: Sound and Stage Engineering for Theatrical classes and/or Music Production as well as App creation.
A rts: Prose and Poetry Writing, Performance, Acting, Screenplay, Vocal, Live Paint, Comic Book/Graphic Novel art, Web Design.
M athematics: Financial Education Classes with a focus on ground level issues such as credit, saving for retirement, and real estate for first home/condo/co-op.
The School of Poetic Arts (La SoPA NYC) is an educational workshop series from Capicu Culture that provides a communal space dedicated to the development of artistic skill and exploring the core principles of theatrical and literary expression. Join us as the first official class of our Artist residency at The Loisaida Center, Inc! As artists and scholars from historically marginalized communities, we feel that it is important to create opportunities for our stories to be seen, read, and heard. La Sopa provides a platform for those voices to be supported and uplifted, increasing the proliferation of creative works across the artistic spectrum. Our time together, generating and editing works, launching new ideas and projects, is an inspirational way to end each week and begin anew. We look forward to the return of our previous participants, as well as the addition of new voices that will enrich the experience.
The Capicu School of Poetic Arts (La SoPA)
Writers of all levels of experience are welcome to join us for this new Summer 2016 season of La Sopa, at the Loisaida Center, on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC.
This multi-level educational workshop series provides a communal space dedicated to the development of artistic skill, while exploring the core principles of theatrical and literary expression. We look forward to collaborating with the Loisaida Center, an organization aspiring to build a connection between community learners, artists, and scholars through affordable education opportunities in cultural fields. As artists and scholars from historically marginalized communities, we feel that it is important to create opportunities for our stories to be seen, read, and heard. La Sopa provides a platform for those voices to be supported and uplifted, increasing the proliferation of creative works across the artistic spectrum.
Our time together, generating and editing works, launching new ideas and projects, is an inspirational way to end each week and begin anew. We look forward to the return of our previous participants, as well as the addition of new voices that will enrich the experience.
La Sopa is rooted in a vision of the artist as cultural worker, in the longstanding tradition of the creative community of the Lower East Side. La Sopa’s founders, administrators, and faculty all believe strongly in the power of creativity to affect change in society. This program is the result of their shared commitment to provide a dynamic environment for diverse communities of artists to convene, work on craft, develop their voices within community, and publicly promote that work through the use of social media and other technologies. A strong familial dynamic underpins the program’s dedication to quality of content, as well as the reversal of destructive forces within our creative community. As the program expands its support base and builds its community, La Sopa will engage faculty and students similarly rooted in cultural work and community betterment.
La Sopa (School of Poetic Arts): is a community-based arts program with its intellectual roots in the poetics of the Nuyorican, Black Arts, and Beat movements. From its home base at Loisaida Inc., a historic enclave for artists and people of color on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, La Sopa serves as an incubator for poets, performers, and other creatives to explore and expand their artistic selves, develop their voices, distribute the works in live performance and exhibition, and promote their works in various media. La Sopa (School of Poetic Arts) is a program of Capicu Poetry & Cultural Showcase, led by Juan “Papo Swiggity” Santiago (Director of Operations), Jani Rose (Director of Education) and George Torres (Director of Engagement), with pedagogical contributions by author Rich Villar.