Know Your Rights Training & Workshop

Know Your Rights In-Person Training at PS/MS 34: Thursday, January 30th @ 8:30am

Thursday, January 30th at 8:30am, PS/MS 34 will be hosting the New York Immigration Coalition for a “Know Your Rights” training for our community. As the information is timely, Principal Sanchez is extending the invitation to other families within our district.


Know Your Rights Online Training via Zoom: February 6th @ 6pm

Conozca Sus Derechos (en Español)

On Thursday, February 6th at 6pm we’ll be hosting a virtual Know Your Rights workshop in SpanishIt will be facilitated by NYIC.

Únete a nuestro talle virtual:

Conozca Sus Derechos (en Español)

organizado por la Coalición de Inmigración de Nueva York (NYIC) y University Settlement

Aprenda cómo protegerse a tu mismo y a su familia, y qué hacer si se encuentra con agentes de la ley.

Jueves, 6 de febrero a las 6:00 p. m.

en Zoom (

Haga clic en este enlace o escanee el código QR para unirse al taller.
or Zoom ID#: 835 0377 4506


English translation:

Join us for a virtual Know Your Rights Workshop in Spanish hosted by the New York Immigration Coalition and University Settlement

Learn how to protect yourself and your family, and what to do if you should encounter law enforcement agents.

Thursday, February 6th at 6pm

on Zoom (

Click this link or scan the QR code to join the workshop.
or Zoom ID#: 835 0377 4506

Here are some resources about how to protect families who may be at risk because of immigration status.

Older Adults’ Tablet Classes by Elizabeth Bermudez



710 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10009

To register, please call the Loisaida Center at (646) 726-4715.

9 Sessions

Each Monday from 10 am to 12 pm

July 1 – August 26, 2024

Free Tablet! ( *Limited to first 5 registrants)

This program prepares older adults to use the Alcatel 3T 8 tablet as a tool to facilitate day-to-day tasks and connections.

Learning objectives include: using tablet applications to  assist with everyday tasks, connecting with family & friends, audio & visual skill development, and more! Participants must commit to al 9 classes ot keep their complimentary tablet at the end of the program.

Led by bilingual (English/Spanish) instructor, Elizabeth Bermudez.

Clases de Tabletas para Adultos Mayores

En Loisaida Center

710 East 9th Street, New York, NY 10009

Para registrarse, por favor llame at Loisaida Center al (646) 726-4715.




1 de julio – 26 de agosto de 2024


*Tableta gratis!

*Limitado a los primeros 5 participantes


Este programa prepara a adultos mayores para utilizar la tableta Alcatel 3T 8 como herramienta para facilitar las tareas y conexiones del dia a dia.

Los objetivos de aprendizaje incluyen: usar aplicaciones de tableta para ayudar con las tareas diarias, conectarse con familiares y amigos, desarrollar habilidades auditivas y visuales, iy mas! Los participantes deben comprometerse con las 9 clases para quedarse con su tableta de cortesia al final del programa. Diigida por la instructora biliingue (ingles / espanol), Elizabeth Bermudez.