Mission Statement: 

Loisaida Youth-Museum interaction Program bridges the gap between inner city youth, families and creatives with the access to utilize the Art Museum for creative projects while enjoying art. Along with attending the workshops that the museum offers, we will host podcasts where our participants gain skill in interviewing, public speaking and media broadcasting. 


This chart shows that the presence of cultural resources are significantly associated with positive social outcomes around health, schooling and security. Our programming provides these cultural experiences to our targeted population that do not have access to cultural resources in their own neighborhoods.

Target Population: 

Therefore, our target population resides in NYCHA complexes in the highlighted areas. 

Understanding that the cultural resources in the city are overwhelmingly concentrated in relatively few neighborhoods, our project bridges artists and families from low-income communities with cultural experiences in art, in-depth interviewing and media broadcasting.

Our project will create meaningful differences in these communities by enhancing social connection, amplifying community voice, and animating the public environment.