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2023 Thanksgiving Turkey Drive & Giveaway Event
November 20, 2023

Loisaida Inc. together with The Office of New York State Assembly Member Harvey Epstein (NYS Assembly District 74) have partnered again with our community supporters to host the 4th Annual Loisaida Thanksgiving Turkey Drive and Food Giveaway Event, this year it is scheduled for Monday, November 20th, 2023. The funds raised from this event will go directly towards purchasing turkeys and non-perishable food items for families in need who are residing in our diverse neighborhoods.
Last year we raised over $15,000 in donations and we were able to provide quality food items for over 720 families and individuals living in our community. This year, with food costs rising, we want to give even more and have a goal of reaching over 1,000 poor and low-income families, older adults and individuals to support them with quality food over this Thanksgiving holiday break!
We have partnered again with the East Village Independent Merchant’s Association (EVIMA) to host our fundraiser raffle, and the funds raised from this event will go directly towards purchasing turkeys and other non-perishable food items. From Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 to Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 11:59pm, raffle tickets starting from $1-$20 will be on sale to help support this initiative.
You can purchase tickets to win any of the 40+ prizes, which total nearly $5,000 in value! Raffle prizes include items and gift cards from local small businesses in the Lower East Side/East Village. Each prize will have its own winner and you can purchase tickets for (and possibly win) multiple prizes! All of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards purchasing food for our neighbors so please help us by entering the raffle; there are over 15 unique raffle items provided by local small-merchants and businesses and who knows, you might also be the winner this year!