¿Eres artista principiante o has pensado en estudiar artes visuales? A partir del mes de Agosto hasta Noviembre, Loisaida ofrecerá talleres de collage y técnica mixta gratuitos para residentes de Lower East Side en asociación con Ambiente Artístico.
En esta oportunidad, el programa sucederá en asociación con Loisaida Inc, bajo el auspicio de Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Las educadoras serán: Julia Justo artista visual especializada en técnicas mixtas, instalación y fotografía, Angela García, educadora de museos, y Gerardo Morantes, artista de collage y gestor cultural comunitario.
Los estudiantes estarán expuestos a artistas de collage internacionales, con un enfoque en artistas modernos y contemporáneos latinoamericanos e indígenas: Cecilia Vicuña, Julia Justo, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Carlos Irizarry, Simon Hermida, Cassandra Mayela, Wangechi Mutu, Lygia Pape, Robert Rauschenberg, Shinkzuke Aso y Sarah Sze.
Fechas: Ocho sábados, Septiembre 9- Octubre 28 Hora: 1 – 2:30 pm
Dirección del taller: 710 E 9th St, New York, NY 10002
Educadora: Julia Justo
Precio: $0
El curso será conducido en Español

Gerardo Morantes
Originally from Venezuela, Gerardo Morantes is a community-based cultural manager and an arts educator. He has a cultural management degree from The University of Puerto Rico with a focus on cultural studies, modern and contemporary art. Currently he is the community engagement associate manager of the Guggenheim museum where he created arts education experiences for communities that have historically suffered participation gaps in the arts with a focus on Latin American artists of the social turn.

Julia Justo
Julia Justo is a mix-media visual artist, born and raised in Argentina with Indigenous-Italian ancestry with experience with Spanish speaking communities through her previous collaboration with Loisaida Center in 2021, and current teaching artist job at El Museo del Barrio. Julia uses strategies drawn from the fields of education, research and community activism, I invite participation and collective imagining. Her interdisciplinary work draws from history, biography and Indigenous knowledge; in it, I explore the intersection of memory, community and storytelling.

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